Reading a File in OCaml on Windows

The trivial way to read a file into a string in OCaml is this (thanks, StackOverflow):

let read_file_to_string (path: string): string =
  let stream = open_in path in
    let len = in_channel_length stream in
    let str = really_input_string stream len in
    close_in stream;
  with _ ->
    close_in_noerr stream;
    raise (Failure ("Failed to read file: " ^ path))

But this doesn’t work on Windows: really_input_string throws End_of_file because the readable length of the file is less than the length attested by in_channel_length. I don’t care to debug this. This alternative implementation works:

let read_file_to_string (path: string): string =
  let rec read_stream stream =
      let line = input_line stream in
      line :: (read_stream stream)
    with End_of_file ->
  let stream = open_in path in
  String.concat "\n" (read_stream stream)

This was the one thing preventing the bootstrapping compiler for Austral from working on Windows.