Parsing with Menhir, Part I: Forth

This is the first post on a series on parsing using the Menhir parser generator for OCaml. I found the existing tutorials insufficient, so I wrote my own.

Menhir is the standard parser generator for OCaml. ocamllex is the standard lexer generator. They are built to work together. We’re using OCaml because it’s a great language for writing compilers.


Install opam, the package manager for OCaml, then install dune, the OCaml build system, by running:

$ opam install dune

Source Code

The code for this tutorial is in this repository, in the forth directory.

Project Structure

The project structure is:


Much of this is build system boilerplate. The important files are:

The entrypoint for the interactive executable.
Types to represent Forth programs.
The lexer source code.
The parser source code.
An abstraction to simplify calling the parser.
Tests of the parser.


Forth is a simple language and parsing it is little more than lexing: a Forth program is a string of atoms, where each atom is one of:

  • An integer constant, like 123 or -10.
  • A floating point constant, like 3.14 or 6.1e23.
  • A word, which is a basically a function call, like ADD or PRIMEP.

Representing Forth Programs

Menhir won’t write type definitions for us. We have to first define the types to represent Forth programs. Since Forth is very simple, the types are a one-to-one translation of the definition above.

First, an atom is either an integer constant, or a float constant, or a word:

type atom =
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Word of string

Second, a program is a sequence of atoms:

type program = Program of atom list

That’s it.

For interactivity, let’s add a couple of functions to turn atoms and programs into human-readable strings:

let dump_atom = function
  | Int i ->
     "Int " ^ string_of_int i
  | Float f ->
     "Float " ^ string_of_float f
  | Word s ->
     "Word \"" ^ s ^ "\""

let dump_program (Program atoms) =
  "[" ^ (String.concat ", " ( dump_atom atoms)) ^ "]"

The Lexer

Lexing means turning a stream of bytes into a stream of tokens. The lexer essentially applies a series of regular expressions to the input until one matches, and returns the token associated to that regular expression. But it’s still a flat list of tokens. Later, the parser will turn that flat list of tokens into a tree.

The full source code of the lexer is:

let digit = ['0'-'9']
let sign = ['-' '+']
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']

let int_constant = sign? digit+

let exponent = ['e' 'E']
let float_constant = sign? digit+ '.' digit+ (exponent sign? digit+)?
let identifier = alpha (alpha | digit | '-')*

let whitespace = [' ' '\t']+

(* Rules *)

rule token = parse
  | int_constant { INT_CONSTANT (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | float_constant { FLOAT_CONSTANT (float_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | identifier { WORD (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
  (* etc. *)
  | whitespace { token lexbuf }
  | eof { EOF }
  | _ { raise (Failure ("Character not allowed in source text: '" ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf ^ "'")) }

The lexer is divided into two parts: let definitions and rules. A simple lexer like this has one rule, generally strings like string parsing are implemented as other rules. But we’re not doing string literals in this example yet.

Regular expressions can get very complicated, so we can use let to define regular expression fragments. For example, digit is a regular expression fragment that matches any digit from 0 to 9:

let digit = ['0'-'9']

sign matches the plus or minus characters:

let sign = ['-' '+']

And alpha matches any letter in the alphabet, lowercase or uppercase:

let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']

The regular expression for integer constants is then:

let int_constant = sign? digit+

Which is simpler, and easier to read, than its equivalent expanded form:

let int_constant = ['-' '+']? ['0'-'9']+

The regular expression for float constants is more complicated:

let exponent = ['e' 'E']
let float_constant = sign? digit+ '.' digit+ (exponent sign? digit+)?

Finally, the regex for identifiers: a letter followed by zero or more letters, digits, and dashes.

let identifier = alpha (alpha | digit | '-')*

We also need a regex to match whitespace:

let whitespace = [' ' '\t']+

Next, we define the rule for parsing a token. We have three types of tokens in the language: integer constants, floating point constants, and words. After that we have to handle three special cases.

The general structure of a rule is:

  | <regex> { <expression> }

When <regex> matches the input stream, evaluate <expression>. When writing rules, the expression Lexing.lexeme lexbuf extracts the text matched by the regex on the left hand side of the rule.

The rules for parsing atoms are simple:

  | int_constant { INT_CONSTANT (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | float_constant { FLOAT_CONSTANT (float_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | identifier { WORD (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }


  1. If the int_constant regex matches the input, take the string matched by the regex, convert the string to an integer, and return the INT_CONSTANT token with said integer as the argument.

    Here, INT_CONSTANT is a function that takes an int and returns a token. This is defined, in a somewhat strange-looping manner, by the parser, which complicates the presentation. Just hold on and we’ll get to it in the next section.

  2. If the float_constant regex matches the input, take the matched string, convert it to a float, and return a FLOAT_CONSTANT token with the float value. The type of FLOAT_CONSTANT is float -> token. Again, see below.

  3. If the identifier regex is satisfied, return a WORD token with just the matched text.

The last two rules are universal: eof produces the EOF token (we need this for the parser, the start symbol needs to end with an EOF to signal to the parser it need not consume anything else), and any character not matched by any regular expression produces a lexer error:

  | eof { EOF }
  | _ { raise (Failure ("Character not allowed in source text: '" ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf ^ "'")) }

The Parser

Parsers are defined in .mly files. A parser has two sections, separated by a line with two percent signs:




The declarations section allows you to define tokens and the start symbols of the grammar, the start symbol being the rule where the parser begins. You can have multiple start symbols, this can be useful to test different parts of the parser in isolation.

First, we have to import the Ast module so we can access the constructors of the program and atom types to build up our abstract syntax tree.

open Ast

The percentage sign and curly brace are for embedding OCaml code in the parser. This can be, for example, to define functions that will be used in the rules. But our parser is very simple so we don’t need anything other than an import.

Then, we define our tokens. Tokens that carry no data (like language keywords, symbols like braces, or the EOF token) are defined with %token [name].

We define the EOF token as follows:

%token EOF

Tokens can also carry information. For example, a string constant token would carry the text of the string. We define this with the syntax %token <[type]> [name]. Note that the angle brackets are literal here.

We define the INT_CONSTANT, FLOAT_CONSTANT, and WORD tokens we used earlier in the parser:

%token <int> INT_CONSTANT
%token <float> FLOAT_CONSTANT
%token <string> WORD

Finally, we specify the start rule, which will be called program:

%type <Ast.program> program
%start program

Menhir needs to know the type of all start symbols. Additionally, the type has to be a fully qualified name, even though we’ve imported the Ast module earlier.

Now we move on to the rules.

The rule for parsing a program is very simple: a program is a non-empty sequence of atoms, followed by EOF:


  | atom* EOF { Program $1 }

atom* produces a potentially empty list of atom instances.

The EOF token is very important: all start symbols have to end with EOF. Otherwise, the parser will error because it expects nothing, but encounters an EOF token.

The rule for parsing atoms is a one-to-one match with the definition of atoms above: an atom is either an integer constant, a float constant, or a word.

  | i=INT_CONSTANT { Int i }
  | f=FLOAT_CONSTANT { Float f }
  | s=WORD { Word s }

In the first case, the expression i is of type int, since the INT_CONSTANT token carries an int value. Analogously, in the second case the type of f is float since FLOAT_CONSTANT carries a float, and in the third case the type of s is string since the WORD token carries a string.

Note how the grammar definition matches the inductive definition of the types:

type program = Program of atom list

type atom =
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Word of string

The full contents of lib/Parser.mly:

open Ast

%token EOF
%token <int> INT_CONSTANT
%token <float> FLOAT_CONSTANT
%token <string> WORD

/* Types */

%type <Ast.program> program
%start program


  | atom* EOF { Program $1 }

  | i=INT_CONSTANT { Int i }
  | f=FLOAT_CONSTANT { Float f }
  | s=WORD { Word s }

Parser Interface

This is just a bit of boilerplate: we create a function parse_program: string -> program. Parse errors throw the Failure exception with line and column information in the error message.

open Lexing

let colnum pos =
  (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) - 1

let pos_string pos =
  let l = string_of_int pos.pos_lnum
  and c = string_of_int ((colnum pos) + 1) in
  "line " ^ l ^ ", column " ^ c

let parse' f s =
  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
    f Lexer.token lexbuf
  with Parser.Error ->
    raise (Failure ("Parse error at " ^ (pos_string lexbuf.lex_curr_p)))

let parse_program s =
  parse' Parser.program s

Unit Tests

We use the OUnit2 unit test library.

First, we import the unit test library, and we import Ast to have access to the constructors for the program and atom types, and we import ParserInterface to have the parse_program function.

open OUnit2
open Menhir_tutorial_core.Ast
open Menhir_tutorial_core.ParserInterface

peq (for “parse equals”) is a brief utility function to check that the given string parses to the given value:

let peq (s: string) (v: 'a) =
  assert_equal v (parse_program s)

Unit tests of parsing integer constants:

let test_parse_int_constants _ =
  peq "0" (Program [Int 0]);
  peq "123" (Program [Int 123]);
  peq "+123" (Program [Int 123]);
  peq "1000" (Program [Int 1000]);
  peq "-0" (Program [Int 0]);
  peq "-123" (Program [Int (-123)])

Unit tests of parsing float constants:

let test_parse_float_constants _ =
  peq "0.0" (Program [Float 0.0]);
  peq "123.0" (Program [Float 123.0]);
  peq "+123.0" (Program [Float 123.0]);
  peq "1000.0" (Program [Float 1000.0]);
  peq "-123.0" (Program [Float (-123.0)]);
  peq "123.0e6" (Program [Float 123.0e6]);
  peq "123.0e-6" (Program [Float 123.0e-6]);
  peq "-123.0e6" (Program [Float (-123.0e6)]);
  peq "-123.0e-6" (Program [Float (-123.0e-6)])

Unit tests of parsing words:

let test_parse_words _ =
  peq "TEST" (Program [Word "TEST"]);
  peq "TEST-PROGRAM" (Program [Word "TEST-PROGRAM"]);
  peq "TEST-123" (Program [Word "TEST-123"])

Unit tests of parsing atom sequences:

let test_parse_programs _ =
  peq "TEST 3.14   123 -3.4" (Program [Word "TEST"; Float 3.14; Int 123; Float (-3.4)]);
  peq "A 1 B" (Program [Word "A"; Int 1; Word "B"])

Finally, we put it all together into a test suite and run it:

let suite =
  "Parser tests" >::: [
      "Integer constants" >:: test_parse_int_constants;
      "Float constants" >:: test_parse_float_constants;
      "Words" >:: test_parse_words;
      "Programs" >:: test_parse_programs

let _ = run_test_tt_main suite

The full contents of test/ file:

open OUnit2
open Menhir_tutorial_core.Ast
open Menhir_tutorial_core.ParserInterface

let peq (s: string) (v: 'a) =
  assert_equal v (parse_program s)

let test_parse_int_constants _ =
  peq "0" (Program [Int 0]);
  peq "123" (Program [Int 123]);
  peq "+123" (Program [Int 123]);
  peq "1000" (Program [Int 1000]);
  peq "-0" (Program [Int 0]);
  peq "-123" (Program [Int (-123)])

let test_parse_float_constants _ =
  peq "0.0" (Program [Float 0.0]);
  peq "123.0" (Program [Float 123.0]);
  peq "+123.0" (Program [Float 123.0]);
  peq "1000.0" (Program [Float 1000.0]);
  peq "-123.0" (Program [Float (-123.0)]);
  peq "123.0e6" (Program [Float 123.0e6]);
  peq "123.0e-6" (Program [Float 123.0e-6]);
  peq "-123.0e6" (Program [Float (-123.0e6)]);
  peq "-123.0e-6" (Program [Float (-123.0e-6)])

let test_parse_words _ =
  peq "TEST" (Program [Word "TEST"]);
  peq "TEST-PROGRAM" (Program [Word "TEST-PROGRAM"]);
  peq "TEST-123" (Program [Word "TEST-123"])

let test_parse_programs _ =
  peq "TEST 3.14   123 -3.4" (Program [Word "TEST"; Float 3.14; Int 123; Float (-3.4)]);
  peq "A 1 B" (Program [Word "A"; Int 1; Word "B"])

let suite =
  "Parser tests" >::: [
      "Integer constants" >:: test_parse_int_constants;
      "Float constants" >:: test_parse_float_constants;
      "Words" >:: test_parse_words;
      "Programs" >:: test_parse_programs

let _ = run_test_tt_main suite

Bonus: An RPN Calculator

I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t do this:

(* bin/ *)
open Menhir_tutorial_core.Ast
open Menhir_tutorial_core.ParserInterface

let pop = function
  | [] -> raise (Failure "Stack is empty")
  | first::rest -> (first, rest)

let push v s = v :: s

let rec eval_program program stack =
  match program with
  | [] ->
  | head::rest ->
     let stack = (match head with
                  (* Constants are self-evaluating *)
                  | Int i -> push (Int i) stack
                  | Float i -> push (Float i) stack
                  | Word s ->
                     (match s with
                      | "ADD" -> oper (+.) stack
                      | "SUB" -> oper (-.) stack
                      | "MUL" -> oper ( *. )  stack
                      | "DIV" -> oper (/.) stack
                      | _ -> raise (Failure ("Unknown word: " ^ s))))
     eval_program rest stack

and oper f stack =
  let (rhs, stack) = pop stack in
  let (lhs, stack) = pop stack in
  let lhs = as_float lhs
  and rhs = as_float rhs in
  let res = Float (f lhs rhs) in
  push res stack

and as_float = function
  | Int i -> float_of_int i
  | Float f -> f
  | Word _ -> raise (Failure "Not a number.")

let rec repl _ =
  print_string "> ";
  let input = read_line () in
  let (Program program) = parse_program input in
    let result = eval_program program [] in
    let output = dump_program (Program result) in
    print_endline output;
    print_endline "";
    repl ()
  with (Failure msg) ->
    print_endline msg;

let _ = repl ()

Building and Running

You can clone this example, build it, and run the interpreter by running:

$ git clone
$ cd parsing-menhir/forth
$ dune build
$ ./_build/default/forth/bin/menhir_tutorial.exe
> 123
[Int 123]

> 3.14
[Float 3.14]

> 3.0 1.0 ADD
[Float 4.]

> 10 30 MUL
[Float 300.]

> 100 5 DIV
[Float 20.]